Get Started with Instagram
Get Started with Instagram. In the following part, we’ll see how to post your own photographs and recordings to Instagram, however, the other portion of appreciating Instagram is staying aware of the substance posted by the people you follow.
At the point when you initially make your record, and I’ve quite recently made another record for this model, Instagram gives a few alternatives for discovering individuals to follow, as signing in to Facebook to find friends that use Instagram, or letting Instagram check your contacts for emails associated with Instagram accounts.
However, on the off chance that you didn’t do both of those things when you set up your record, we should investigate how to do them currently, just as a few other methods for following people from your account.
Probably one of the easiest ways to get.
The Search or Magnifying Glass Button.
started is to tap the search or magnifying glass button at the bottom of the app this takes us to what Instagram calls the explore tab.
Get Started with Instagram.
Here I’ll find a search bar at the top of the screen and below that is usually a rotating banner of events or topics that are being highlighted by Instagram at the moment. Below that, you’ll find photos that Instagram thinks you’ll enjoy seeing.
Usually, photos and videos that people you follow have liked.
and these are usually photos and videos that people you follow have liked, or that are liked by a large number of people.
Get Started with Instagram.
You can tap on any photo to see it full size, and if you like a particular photo, you may want to see other photos posted by this user.
Profile Page.
To do so, just tap their username, which takes you to their profile page where you can read their bio, see how many people they’re following and being followed by.
if they have a public account, you can see their entire Instagram feed and check out their other photos and videos.
If what they post look interesting to you and you’d like to keep up with their content, you can tap the follow button you’ll find here. Not going to follow this person in this case, but really, it’s that easy. I’m going to tap the search button to go back to the main explore page.
Now if you want to do more of a specific search than just browsing photos and hoping to come across an interesting account, just go back up to the top and tap in the search field and from here you can search for accounts, tags and places.
So for example, if I wanted to find photos from, Los Angeles, I could tap places, start typing Los Angeles, and I see one of these suggestions here is Los Angeles, California which.
I’ll select and the results I get are divided into top, which are the most popular photos from this location and recent, which as you might guess, are the most recent photos shot in this location. I’ll tap the back button here in the upper left-hand corner and I’ll clear the search field.
You can also search for people and tags from here too. For example, you might type in the name of your favorite celebrities to find their Instagram accounts and follow them.
And the top search, lets you search across accounts, tags and places all at once. So, for example, I’ll search for myself and this top result is my personal Instagram account.
My Personal Instagram Account.
which I can select.
So again, once you’re on someone’s profile page, you can view any info they’ve shared about themselves and browse their feed, and the other option is to view photos of this person, which I can do by tapping this person icon button hereat the top of the screen.
So, this includes photos from other user’s accounts that this person might be tagged in, and again, if you want to follow this person, just tap the follow button, and I’m now following this account.
Notice I now also see some suggestions of other people I might want to follow, based on my following of this account.
You can tap on any one of these people or accounts to view them and then you can go through the same browsing options to see if you want to follow them or not.
Let’s go back to the explore tab. Now sometimes the friend you’re looking for might now show up by name, or they might have such a common name, that you can’t find them among all the other users with the same name.
if you want to Instagram search your Facebook contacts or the contacts on your device, you can go to your profile settings.
Get Started with Instagram.
which is the button here in the lower right-hand corner, tap the menu in the upper right, and hereunder discover people.
you can search your contacts.
or go to the suggested tab and here connect with Facebook friends.
Once you’ve started following people, you’ll see their posts on the home screen.
This is the main area where you’ll see all the photos and videos posted by the people you’re following. This is probably where you’ll spend good chunk of your time in Instagram, unless you’re more interested in shooting and posting your own content than seeing what others are posting, but for me the enjoyable part of Instagram is seeing what the people I follow are posting and then liking and commenting on their content, which we’ll talk about how to do a little later.